Poison frogs and their relatives

Family Dendrobatidae
This family regroups all Poison frogs and related species.

Adelphobates galactonotus – Splah-backed poison-frog
Ameerega bassleri – Pleasing poison frog
Ameerega pepperi – Pepper’s poison frog
Ameerega trivittata – Three-striped poison frog
Dendrobates auratus – Green and black poison-frog
Dendrobates leucomelas – Bumble-bee poison-frog
Dendrobates tinctorius – Dyeing poison frog
Dendrobates tinctorius “azureus” – Blue dyeing poison-frog
Dendrobates truncatus – Yellow-striped poison frog
Epipedobates anthonyi – Anthony’s poison-arrow frog
Epipedobates tricolor – Tricolor poison-arrow frog
Excidobates mysteriosus – Maranon poison frog
Hyloxalus azureiventris – Sky-blue poison frog
Oophaga pumilio – Strawberry poison-frog
Phyllobates aurotaenia – Kokoe poison frog
Phyllobates bicolor – Black-legged poison-frog
Phyllobates terribilis – Golden poison-frog
Phyllobates vittatus – Golfodulcean poison-frog
Ranitomeya amazonica – Iquitos poison frog
Ranitomeya benedicta – Blessed poison-frog
Ranitomeya fantastica – Fantastic poison frog
Ranitomeya imitator – Mimic poison frog
Ranitomeya reticulata – Red-backed poison frog
Ranitomeya vanzolinii – Brazilian poison frog
Ranitomeya ventrimaculata – Spot-bellied poison frog

Family Aromobatidae
This family regroups all cryptic poison frogs and related species.

Mannophryne olmonae – Bloody Bay poison frog
