Other insects (ants, cockroaches and more)

Family Ampulicidae
This family regroups the Cockroach wasps and their relatives.

Ampulex compressa – Emerald cockroach wasp

Family Masaridae
This family regroups some of the Colonial wasp species.

Family Vespidae
This family regroups some of the Social wasp species.

Family Apidae
This family regroups the Flower-bees and related species.

Family Syrphidae
This family regroups the Hoverfly and related species.

Family Tettigoniidae
This family regroups the Bush-crickets and their relatives.

Ancylecha fenestrata – Malaysian leaf katydid
Arachnacris corporalis – Malaysian giant katydid
Lesina intermedia – Dragon-headed katydid
Mecopoda elongata – Asian brown bushcricket
Onomarchus cretaceus – Cretaceus false leaf katydid
Phyllophorina kotoshoensis – Lanyu katydid
Tegrolcinia karnyi – Malaysian black katydid

Family Gryllidae
This family regroups the common crickets and their relatives.

Family Acrididae
This family regroups the Grasshoopers and related species.

Locusta migratoria – Migratory locust

Family Pyrgomorphidae
This family regroups the Stink Grasshoopers and related species.

Family Romaleidae
This family regroups the Giant Stink Grasshoopers and related species.

Tropidacris collaris – Violet-winged grasshopper

Family Proscopiidae
This family regroups the Stick-crickets and related species

Family Stenopelmatidae
This family regroups the Weta and other related species.

Family Gryllotalpidae
This family regroups the Mole-crickets and related species.

Family Blaberidae
This family regroups the true Cockroaches.

Archimandrita tessellata – Peppered cockroach
Blaberus atropos – Mexican giant cockroach
Blaberus giganteus – Central-American giant cave cockroach

Family Blattidae
This family regroups the American cockroaches and their relatives.

Family Ectobiidae
This family regroups the smaller Cockroaches species.

Family Pentatomidae
This family regroups the Man-faced stink-bug and other related species.

Catacanthus incarnatus – Man-faced stink bug

Family Reduviidae
This family regroups the Assassin bugs and related species.

Family Cordulegastridae
This family regroups the Tiger dragonfly and other related species.

Family Formicidae
This family regroups most Ant species.

Dinomyrmex gigas – Giant forest ant

Family Mutillidae
This family regroups the Velvet ants and other related species.

Family Nepidae
This family regroups the Water scorpions and other related species.

Laccotrephes pfeiferiae – Pfeifer’s water scorpion


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